How to Optimize PostgreSQL Queries

6 min readFeb 16, 2023

PostgreSQL is a powerful and highly customizable open-source relational database management system. While PostgreSQL is designed to be highly efficient, query performance can still be improved by optimizing queries. Here are some tips for optimizing PostgreSQL queries:

1. Use indexes

Suppose you have a table named “users” with columns “id”, “name”, and “email”. If you frequently search for users by their email, you can create an index on the “email” column like this:

CREATE INDEX users_email_idx ON users (email);


Suppose you have a query that joins two tables and returns the total number of rows:

EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON = table2.table1_id;

The EXPLAIN command will output the execution plan for the query, which can help you identify any performance issues.

3. Avoid using wildcard characters

Suppose you have a query that searches for all users whose email address ends with “”:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE '';

This query will perform a sequential scan of the entire “users” table, which can be slow if the table is large. To optimize this query, you can rewrite it like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE '';

This query will use the index created in step 1 and perform a much faster index scan.

4. Limit the number of returned rows:

Suppose you have a query that returns all users in the “users” table:

SELECT * FROM users;

This query can be slow and resource-intensive if the table is large. To optimize this query, you can limit the number of rows returned using the LIMIT clause:

SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 100;

This query will only return the first 100 rows, which can improve performance.

5. Use appropriate data types:

Suppose you have a column in the “users” table named “age” that stores the age of each user as an integer. If you frequently calculate the average age of users, you can optimize performance by using a smaller data type like “smallint” instead of “integer”:


This will reduce the amount of memory required to store the “age” column, which can improve performance.

6. Optimize subqueries

Suppose you have a query that retrieves all orders for customers in a specific city:

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_id IN (SELECT id FROM customers WHERE city = 'New York');

This query uses a subquery to retrieve the customer IDs for customers in New York. To optimize this query, you can rewrite it as a JOIN:

SELECT orders.* FROM orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = WHERE = 'New York';

This query performs a JOIN instead of a subquery, which can be faster if there are many rows in the “orders” table.

7. Use prepared statements

Suppose you have a query that retrieves all users with a specific name:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'John';

If you execute this query multiple times with different names, you can improve performance by using a prepared statement:

PREPARE get_users_by_name (text) AS SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = $1;
EXECUTE get_users_by_name('John');
EXECUTE get_users_by_name('Jane');

This will prepare the query once and reuse the execution plan for each subsequent execution, which can improve performance.

I hope these examples help clarify how to optimize PostgreSQL queries using the options I mentioned!

8. Use connection pooling

Connection pooling can improve performance by reducing the overhead of creating and tearing down database connections.

Connection pooling is a technique used to manage a pool of database connections instead of creating and tearing down a new connection for each database request. By reusing existing connections, connection pooling can reduce the overhead of establishing a new connection, which can improve the performance of PostgreSQL queries.

Here is an example of how to use connection pooling with PostgreSQL:

  1. Install a connection pooling library: There are several connection pooling libraries available for PostgreSQL, including pgBouncer, pgpool-II, and Pgpool. Choose the library that best fits your needs and install it on your server.
  2. Configure the connection pool: Configure the connection pool to specify the maximum number of connections to the database and the maximum number of idle connections. You can also configure the pool to automatically close idle connections after a certain amount of time.
  3. Modify your application code: Modify your application code to use the connection pool instead of creating a new connection for each database request. Depending on the connection pooling library you choose, you may need to modify your code to use a different connection string or database URL.

Here is an example of using connection pooling with pgBouncer:

  1. Install pgBouncer: Install pgBouncer on your server using your package manager or by compiling it from source.
  2. Configure the connection pool: Edit the pgBouncer configuration file to specify the maximum number of connections to the database and the maximum number of idle connections. You can also configure pgBouncer to automatically close idle connections after a certain amount of time.
  3. Modify your application code: Modify your application code to use the pgBouncer connection string instead of the default PostgreSQL connection string. Here is an example of a PostgreSQL connection string:

Here is an example of a pgBouncer connection string:


Note that the port number is different in the pgBouncer connection string, and the hostname points to the pgBouncer server instead of the PostgreSQL server.

By using a connection pool like pgBouncer, you can reduce the overhead of creating and tearing down database connections, which can improve the performance of PostgreSQL queries.

9. Analyze and vacuum tables

Analyzing and vacuuming are two important maintenance tasks that can help improve the performance of PostgreSQL queries by updating the database statistics and reclaiming disk space. Here’s a brief explanation of each:

  1. Analyzing: When you create an index on a table or run a query that filters or sorts data, PostgreSQL uses statistics to estimate how many rows match the conditions. The database statistics include information about the distribution of the data, such as the number of distinct values and the frequency of each value. The statistics are stored in a system catalog called pg_statistic. If the statistics are outdated or inaccurate, the query planner may make poor decisions and generate inefficient query plans.

To update the statistics, you can run the ANALYZE command on the table or the whole database. ANALYZE scans the table and updates the statistics in pg_statistic. For large tables, this can take a significant amount of time, but it’s a one-time cost and the benefits can be substantial.

  1. Vacuuming: When you insert, update, or delete rows in a table, PostgreSQL doesn’t immediately release the disk space used by the old rows. Instead, it marks the space as reusable and waits for new rows to fill it up. This is called “dead” space, and it can accumulate over time and lead to fragmentation and poor performance. Vacuuming is the process of reclaiming dead space and returning it to the operating system for reuse.

There are several options for vacuuming tables in PostgreSQL. The simplest option is to run the VACUUM command, which performs a full table scan and removes the dead space. Another option is to run the VACUUM ANALYZE command, which combines the benefits of analyzing and vacuuming into a single command.

Here is an example of how to analyze and vacuum a table in PostgreSQL:

-- Analyze the table
ANALYZE mytable;

-- Vacuum the table
VACUUM mytable;

By regularly analyzing and vacuuming tables, you can ensure that the database statistics are up-to-date and the disk space is being used efficiently. This can help improve the performance of PostgreSQL queries by generating better query plans and reducing the amount of disk I/O required to read and write data.

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